Tag: breed


Mixed Breed Dogs

Some people are attracted to the novelty of owning an exotic pet. The right exotic pet, which suits your lifestyle, personality and habits, can be a great reward. Wild animals, although hand-reared, still maintain their wild instinct. This is an important time when health problems can arise however, especially in species such as tortoises that have hibernated over winter and are at their lowest ebb in terms of energy reserves and immune function than at any other time of year.

3. No parasites – With dogs and cats, you have to constantly watch out for ticks and fleas. In fact, chimpanzees, a common exotic pet, have been estimated to have five times the arm strength of a human male. When getting a pet snake, choose one that is captive bred over a snake that is caught in the wild.

Comparing artificially selected animals bred for appearance and other arbitrary human …

Pets Clinic

Some Examples Of Small Breed Dogs

Small dog breeds are increasing in popularity every day, and not just because of Paris Hilton. However, you must train your children to treat your dogs with respect because if they tease them, your dog may hurt them in the process of defending themselves. Most small dogs require great supervision and you must remember this when taking care of them. During 1450-1600, the growing middle class were able to afford dogs as pets – they were no longer just for the Royals and Nobles.

I’ve seen some ppl buy a small pack of hot dogs and buns and ask a gas station with a microwave to use to heat up food and reuse a cup to get free ice and water. Owners report that the Italian greyhound is a very well behaved dog, but prone to stress, so it is not a suitable pet where there are small children.

I’ve …

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