PETS: What A Mistake!

So I have this habit of going on Petfinder late at night and staring longingly at all the dogs that in some alternate universe (one that involves me and infinite bundles of money) I would adopt. The Poodle rescue should never offer to ship the dogs anywhere in the country. Of course, my over all opinion of Petfinders, Animal Planet and all your sponsors has now tanked to a new low with this decision. Even with the best available care, the mortality of severely infected animals is high.

If you are looking for a particular breed there are great dog rescue groups that specialize in the breed you want. I believe this is just the first step in a plan PetFinder has to make more money off of our adoptable pets. Petfinder helped me adopt my first dog, and I hope that it can help a lot of other people to find the perfect dog for them.

You will have to watch him all the time for the first few days unless you have a pet crate to put them in. You can leave the pet crate door opened when he’s not confined so he can go there to feel safe when he needs to. How is it Petfinder’s fault that Rescuegroups told you you could do something when Petfinder said 2 years ago that you could not.

That said you can be sure that by adopting a dog from Rescue Group you will get much more info from the foster home than from the Shelter staff. Concerning support – will continue to support our clients and help with their pets on the adoption web sites. The first thing we need to address is to get rid of the myths surrounding pet adoption in general and the quality of pets that are available.

Adopting a pet is a big step — but we have a feeling your family is ready to grow. You can find the Siberian Husky rescue centre nearest you by asking your veterinarian, your local all pet animal shelter or by going online. Please note: the post below is regarding the Petfinder foundation, not Petfinder itself, which is a for-profit company that is owned by Discovery Communications.