Exotic Pets Finding The Perfect Match

Are you looking for an exotic pet that will really catch the attention of your friends and family? I am the (very) wrong side of 25 and work as an Animal Management technician where I teach a bit and mostly look after the various occupants of the exotics house which range from endangered geckos and amphibians to large lizards and snakes and a colony of woodlice.

Many reptile owners presenting their very ill pet to me have no idea what temperature their vivarium is at different times of day or night, and in some cases no idea what temperature their animal needs to begin with, instead trusting that the equipment sold in the pet shop will produce the exact requirements needed for their pet.

Exotic pets can call for a lot of different kinds of care from traditional pets and different kinds of supplies and food, and buying your pet from a trustworthy and educated source is critical for your success in creating the right environment for your new pet at home.

In short, if you provide adequate space and appropriate conditions for your few select reptile pets rather than substandard conditions for your large collection, it is likely you will avoid causing respiratory illness notwithstanding accidental introductions of infectious agents in new animals.

The website has a host of wild animals for sale including Arabian oryx, slow lorises and cheetahs, which are all listed as vulnerable to extinction on the Red List of Threatened Species published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.