Are you in search of really cool pets that you can take care of at home? Pet primates, big cats and reptiles have attacked and seriously injured their owners, unsuspecting neighbors and bystanders. Wild animals also pose a danger to human health and safety through disease and parasites. So while technically inbreeding can and does occur in the wild state from time to time, the implications of these few matings are minimal.
Many different Salmonella species and serovars have been isolated from reptiles commonly kept as pets, several of which are infectious to humans. It is important to be aware…
In light of a trainer’s tragic death from interacting with a supposedly trained killer whale, it is interesting to note that this is not first, and not even the second, but the third death caused by this powerful animal. Additionally, even though zoos can do a wonderful job of providing a safe haven for wild animals, they can still make kids want an exotic animal as a pet. He sells a lot of snakes online to individuals or to pet shops like Custom Critters. Foxes are carnivores, and many will regard them as wild animals who might attack their pets…
Chinchillas come from the mountain nation of South The united state of america. In America, the law about what can and can’t be sold as a pet varies from state to state and in some cases the law is specific about what can’t be but this means that it is a finite list and with wild animals being turned into pets, the law can’t keep up. Other options for buying your exotic pet include the internet, local papers, even through social media sites.
According to a news story , The West Virginia legislature has passed a bill that would prohibit…
Have you always dreamed of owning an exotic pet? In the example of food animals above, we see that the objective of these breeding practices is purely for human benefit. Exotic pets for sale are very little ones; some pets will grow up soon and loots of lot of space, some pets’ remains in smaller size. The hobby has changed considerably since then, and the more worrying trend is that it has become more of an industry for many where animals are kept and produced in minimal welfare standards in order to maximise profit.
Pet stores everywhere are selling exotic…
Exotic animals such as lizards, hedgehogs, monkeys, macaws and even tigers and bears, are often purchased from stores, over the internet, or in auctions, so that people can keep them as pets”. Often, the animal will not have any interaction with other animals of its own species and will be left to leading a lonely and solitary life. The countless neonates produced by large scale breeders of reptiles which fail to hatch or are dead at birth are often dismissed as casualties of breeding large numbers of animals.
Many people in countries such as the U.K., Africa, China, Canada, etc,…
Have you always dreamed of owning an exotic pet? Several times I have performed tracheal and lung washes in snakes in particular, introducing sterile saline into the airway and aspirating it back out again to sample the cells and potential pathogens causing illness, only to receive a report back from the laboratory stating that no micro-organisms were cultured even though bloods and clinical signs indicate an R.I. Similarly the sample may contain few if any cells when examined under the microscope, so this is a difficult technique and doesn’t always yield the desired results.
As for selective breeding in cows…
Are you looking for an exotic pet that will really catch the attention of your friends and family? I am the (very) wrong side of 25 and work as an Animal Management technician where I teach a bit and mostly look after the various occupants of the exotics house which range from endangered geckos and amphibians to large lizards and snakes and a colony of woodlice.
Many reptile owners presenting their very ill pet to me have no idea what temperature their vivarium is at different times of day or night, and in some cases no idea what temperature their…
Are you into unique animals? Exotic pets for sale are not that much easy to purchase. While many owners may think that they can “tame” their exotic pets, this is simply not possible. The U.S. is the central destination for endangered and exotic animals. Next, ten states impose partial bans against owning exotics, which means that some animals may be allowed while others may be prohibited.
A man in Tokyo was arrested after he called an ambulance because of a poisonous snake-bite he received by feeding one of his pets. This is the time many owners abandon their pets or…