
Taking care of exotic pets is one of the biggest temptations for anyone, especially if you have the money to burn. Good breeders know the circumstances under which inbreeding may be deemed acceptable, and take great care to determine the degree of genetic diversity in the populations of animals they are working with. In wild caught animals, before I commence any treatment I insist on a faecal screen as they invariably harbour parasitic infection which may compromise an already stressed or debilitated reptile, if not cause the primary illness itself.

These exotic animals have a good set of varieties that you can choose from. Exotic pets are fascinating. For example, in China there is a huge demand for exotic pets which ranges from fennec foxes to saltwater crocodiles to raptors and owls. This means they can be time consuming to care for and it can be a bit expensive to get a terrarium set up for your new pet lizard.

Aside from them being an invasive species, Giant African Land Snails are beautiful pets to own, (if they’re legal in your country). There was a seizure of over 27 000 animals who had been enduring poor ventilation, crowded living conditions, and a lack of water, food and basic care.

Maybe that person has a large collection of leopard geckos in a room devoted to reptiles and keeps them in a rack system containing many animals closely together. Exotic pets become invasive species after they escaped or being abandoned by the owners or by pets dealers.

This article talks about a few species that more and more people are keeping as domesticated pets. Many major pet stores, veterinary insurance carriers or online retailers, classify any animal besides cats, dogs or fish as exotic pets. Based on this, the best place where you can look for these kinds of exotic animals would be on the internet.