About Sean McCormack BSc (Hons), MVB, MRCVS

As an exotic pet, monkeys are somewhat hard to come by on a normal day. For the sake of brevity, I’m looking at the trade in exotic pets. However, species such as- Kenyan Sand Boa, Blood Python, Corn Snake, King snake etc are considered to be exotic. The number of pets that die in captivity soon after being acquired is astounding, and a very poor reflection on the exotic pet hobby in general.

In the face of so few options, some people will set the animal loose—which is dangerous and illegal. The most popular starter snake pets are milk snakes, king snakes, corn snakes, and ball pythons. On websites like Youtube, many people (most notably, is Brian Barzyk, from snakebytes) are promoting vanity” or designer” reptiles, without ever openly mentioning how they’re made.

These types of exotic pets are really cute and are furry as well. There are thousands of households in North America that have pet snakes, Lizards and other exotics. Other things to consider when choosing your exotic pet store is how the animals are kept there that are being sold.

We’re not weird or stupid just because we own snakes and lizards (Okay maybe some are because I’ve met a few strange reptile owners in my lifetime) we just simply enjoy these beautiful creatures. The care for exotic pets is also more expensive, as some of these animals require a veterinarian with specialized knowledge and skills in order to properly care for them.

9. You don’t recognise the difference between an animal surviving Vs thriving, and continue to defend old school husbandry practices like withholding UV lighting from species that are exposed to it in the wild. But in the case of large and dangerous pets, the biggest risk is attack.