Small dog breed always look cute and one gets the feeling that they will make great pets but please bear in mind that even small breeds have different personalities and temperaments. It makes dogs feel uncomfortable and sometimes they find it hard to breathe if the collars are too tight. For instance, if you have other dogs, it is important to keep an eye on the Chihuahua puppy and separate it from the bigger dogs. Dogs deserve a safe, comfortable home environment just like their owners.
The problem with cheap dogs however, is the fact that they are often exposed to very poor socialization, have a poor immune system and more often than not, are a product of accidental breeding rather than carefully planned mating. These articles tell you about the different mixed breed dogs and give you some helpful tips on petting them.
However, he is a great family dog and probably that explains his presence among the top ten small dogs. Small dogs make good pets for apartment dwellers and anyone who likes to have a warm lap. Chihuahuas are small, playful and easy to train dogs, that make perfect apartment pets.
Yet another small breed dog that makes a good family pet. However, there are certain advantages to having small dogs. Building trust is one of the most important things between people and their pets, and a trustworthy dog is a joy. Small dogs need small, easy to chew pieces of food.
This means that the mixed heritage does not make him any less of a dog as compared to the pure breeds. Keep in mind that if you decide on a puppy, you’ll need to put a lot of time and effort into helping it get adjusted to your home, as well as, training it to become a house pet.