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Taking care of exotic pets is one of the biggest temptations for anyone, especially if you have the money to burn. However things do not end here, he has to provide all necessary care to this animal and the ministry makes sure that this care is being provided through inspections,” he said. Whilst reptiles, amphibians and many other exotic pets can and do transmit Salmonella infection from time to time, sensible hygiene precautions can generally prevent this occurrence.

6. Exotic pets are completely incredible. Therefore, the animal species which you encounter everyday in your garden could have a distant cousin, considered to be an exotic species. They make great companions for folks who have a lot of time to spend with their pets in the evenings.

Obtain an exotic or specialist pet without doing even the most basic research into its care and then bring it to the vet when it is beyond saving. These are effectively wild animals, and need to be treated as such. Because they are smart, playful, and can become very affectionate, many people keep them as exotic pets.

We all know that dogs are allegedly man’s best friend, but there exist far less common animals that can give an equal quantity of adoration and communication as any hound will. Anyone convicted of smuggling endangered wildlife into the UAE can be jailed for up to six months and fined between Dh10,000 to Dh50,000.

Nonetheless, hedgehogs do make wonderful pet dogs and children take excellent pleasure in them. However, in captivity such as in a zoo, or when kept as a pet, if taken care of properly, the life span can double, up to 15 plus years. One important point to mention regarding exotic pets is that many states have very strict laws governing the ownership of many exotic species.