
I’ve spoken before about the Animal Planet TV Show Fatal Attractions This past Thursday, they showed two episodes in which people were keeping tigers, perhaps in honor” of this week’s events in Zanesville. Handling or disturbing your animals too frequently should be avoided, especially in newly acquired animals or shy species. Many people in Central and South America keep coatis as pets; being a very intelligent animal, some can be even be toilet trained. Oftentimes, owners call exotic veterinarians inquiring how they can remove their primate’s teeth.

2. Beneficial for owners with allergies – A lot of people easily get nasally irritated or succumb to some allergy attacks when it comes to other animals. Many people consider exotic pets to be status symbols as well as fun, exciting creatures to have around. Feeding a diet far higher in fat or deficient in certain minerals and vitamins is a massive cause of mortality over time in our exotic pets.

When I was a youngster, I was always interested in nature and wildlife and a lot of what I learned came from observing creatures in their natural habitat, on TV and in real life. They bond effectively with pets and cats. Caretakers are often unable or unprepared to care for the needs of animals that are so far removed from their natural habitats.

And in the case of wild animals this is more severe. The production of new varieties and strains in captive reptile breeding has seen a massive rise in the value of individual animals, with rarity often determining extraordinary market price. Similarly, some human diseases can be dangerous for certain animals (like strep throat).

And Third people will house them illegally anyway and the reptiles will not get proper veterinary care due to the fact they are illegal. Bentuk kelinci ini cukup mini dan memiliki kombinasi warna yang cukup menarik antara lain abu-abu perunggu, putih, harlequin, coklat dan lain-lain.