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On average, small dogs live longer than larger ones. This dog breed is only for the most active owners. Small dogs have tons of energy and love to play with their owners and go for walks. These adorable little dogs not only want but also need to spend time with their owners. Try to make training times short and fun, and change the routine of the training so your puppy does not get bored.

The problem with cheap dogs however, is the fact that they are often exposed to very poor socialization, have a poor immune system and more often than not, are a product of accidental breeding rather than carefully planned mating. These articles tell you about the different mixed breed dogs and give you some helpful tips on petting them.

Most importantly though, is the fact that you should not leave your children and your pets together unsupervised. Owners must come to realise that their small breed dogs are in fact animals and not little humans. After all, you will be taking care of your dog and this is a living creature worthy of love and respect from its owner.

Large dogs are not any more lovable than a smaller dog and a small dog is not any more vain than a larger breed. Although paper or pad training has been found to be effective in housebreaking small dogs, it is one method you should take up as a last resort. One common health issue that many people think are exclusive to larger dogs is hip dysplasia.

Many dog owners have a preference for small dogs over larger breeds, and for many different reasons. A more sleek and elegant short haired pet is the Italian greyhound, and if you want a pet that enjoys exercise, this is the dog breed for you. Small breed dogs must stay with their mothers for AT LEAST 8 weeks.